Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Attract Someone That You Love

Once you know the signs of someone when falling in love (as I wrote earlier on Signs On Love) and what steps you should do to get he/her love?

Beautiful or handsome is not a guarantee to be able to get the love of someone you love. The following are the love tips that maybe useful for you to get he/her love :

  1. Know the hobbies, his like or dislike.
  2. Keep your clothing and body clean, that's the important thing you should have.
  3. Friendly, do not be arrogant, be someone who is humble and friendly who can put themselves in surrounding environment.
  4. Keep your words and behavior in the intercourse.
  5. Be a smart person by expand your knowledge so you have a large confidence in the intercourse.
  6. Display your beauty and behavior from the heart.

If you already have all the characteristics above, there are more thing you need to consider especially if you are the God creature who name women, never to chase a man to get his attention or love because it will humble yourselves that also will give the impression

And if you are the God creature who name man, if you love someone just say it right away before everything become too late.

I hope this love tips will be useful for you...Good luck !!!!!!

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