Monday, December 7, 2009

Overcome Your Doubts Before Marriage

A survey shows that there is no bride who 100 percent ready for marriage. Most of them always have a doubts feeling near the marriage days. So, before you decide to get marriage, it is a good idea if you know what are the causes of doubt who usually the bride feel as list below :

Not sure that he is the right person for you

Problem :

The doubt about his loyalty and the fear feeling of marriage failure in the future while you want your marriage only once for life.

Solution :

Think again carefully whether he is the right guy for you? and if you are still in doubt, write it down the criteria of your ideal future husband and when it meets more than 50 percent of your criteria, that means he is ideally enough to be your husband.

Always argued before the due time (Day D)

Problem :

You already sure that he is a ideal future husband but before of day D you are more often have loggerheads with him and it causes the doubt that he is not your soul mate whereas every person surely have the experience like this because of the tension and differences of opinion in preparation of the wedding.

Solution :

Calm your mind and take a moment for a while to remind you what made you want to marry him. Always remember the good site of him as long as the differences can still be tolerated.

Fear of loosing freedom if married

Problem :

Many people think that freedom will be lost after marriage, it is also one cause cancellation of the marriage.

Solution :
Do not ever see the marriage just from one negative side but see it from a different perspective, such as : you are not alone anymore in face a problem, you have someone who can share the joys and sorrows, you have someone who can be relied on in your life, you will no longer feel lonely and many other good thing you can see through the marriage.


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